
NS database for .se (Sweden) domains

Database of 1,406,486 .se domains and their NS (name servers)


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The nameserver list for .se domains is here to order now!

Our list contains 1,406,486 .se domains and their nameservers and was freshly updated approximately 2 weeks ago. It is ideal for web hosting research, CDN or parking service research and is emailed to you as a .csv file only 24 hours after purchase /max. delivery time is 3 days/.

If you haven’t found out the list you you’d like to order, please go to ‘NS Databases in any TLD’ option and order it there.

If you need need a nameserver list based on multiple criteria for .se or other TLD, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Our domain database is so huge we can compile a huge variety of lists.