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Active and Expired domains under the .de extension
List of 21,765,737 expired and active .de (Germany) domains.
Whois database for .ca domains
It includes 2,190,211 whois records for .ca (Canada) domains.
NS database for .it (Italy) domains
It includes 1,499,906 .it domains and their name servers
Registered domains under the .io ccTLD
List of 182,585 existing .io (BIOT) domains.
Expired domains with the .es ccTLD
List of 2,082,989 expired .es (Spain) domains can be ordered here.
All Domains Linked from Wikipedia
7 million domains and subdomains that have a backlink from Wikipedia of from any of its sister websites – Wikinews, Wikimedia, Wiktionary etc.
Domains with Alexa rank
All domains in our database that have an Alexa rank (a number, not N/A) – over 20 million domains with traffic in total. Covers every TLD in the world.
IP database for .se (Sweden) domains
It includes 1,406,486 .se domains and their IP addresses
All domains in DMOZ
DMOZ no longer exists but for SEOs and webmasters we keep the full list of domains it contained. 5+ million hosts, 4.5+ million unique domains all quality and human edited.
Domains in Alexa top 1M list
Last list + domains that used to be in top 1M. Over 2,5+ Million domains total.
IP databases in Any TLD
Get IP databases in any TLD now! Freshly updated about 2 weeks ago