
Whois database for .ca domains

It includes 2,190,211 whois records for .ca (Canada) domains.


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Whois records for 2,190,211 .ca domains can be purchased here!

We’re committed to providing you with an almost full Whois database for .ca ccTLD that can meet all your needs.

Whois data contains domain registration details and owner information that can be indispensable for your domaining business, market or academic research, or criminal investigation.

Our Whois data was updated less than 30 days ago and covers 2,190,211 domains. To order, simply add to cart and the Whois for .ca domains will be delivered to you via email in a .csv file within 24 hours /max. 3 days/.

In case you require more recent Whois data, please get in touch to learn about our fresh solution! Keep in mind that delivery will take up to 10 days.